Monday, 29 September 2008

Faraway thoughts

here are some paintings about odd whimisical thoughts that may look good as an interesting regular cartoon somewhere.

Sunday, 28 September 2008

update city

Okay after a brief break, I'm back painting again now, I'm going to aim to have done another ten this week, bringing the total up to 61. I'm hoping to get this project finished by the end of November, then I can move on to something new.

Monday, 1 September 2008


Okay, since I have no reached the halfway point of my colossal project of 100 paintings (thats right I've managed 50 in 2 months) I thought I'd give a sneak look at just a few, I have a few hush hush things going on at the moment, involving this project (should be able to update on that net week) as well as secret projects involving zombies, comics and Yee!

Last weekend's guardian

this was the most recent peice I did for the guardian, I was quite with it, though the blue did come out a bit too blue unfortunatly but there you go.