As the poster says, in just over a month the exhibition opens, I should have finished all the artworks for the show by tomorrow, 100 paintings has been far more challenging than I could have ever anticipated, I won't lie though, I am a little worried about sales in these uncertain times, but my main and I know it's Dave's main objective is simply to put on a really good show.
Despite the credit crunch crippling me initaly, over xmas I managed to sell at least one piece in every show I had work in which was great, above is one of them :)
This is an image I did for the Guardian last week..
I know its been a little while since I last updated anything, rest assured though I've been extreamly busy of late, I'm currently working full-time in the field of animation and will be for at least another year. so any tiny gap of free time I have is spent desperatly working on my 100 paintings exhibition which opens on april 2nd at the sayle gallery. I am going to make a conserted effort to update more often this year however.