Friday 5 March 2010

It' over

As of sunday Feb 28th, my part as a digital colour artist on the animated feature 'Chico & Rita' has come to its end, production here on the Isle of man will completely cease a week today. a few of us have been on the project since it began production on the island 15 months ago, most others have been on it for about 12 or 13 months, so it is a bitter sweet fare well to my time on the project, I have worked within a great team of people and I will very much miss the insane things we have spoken about throughout this project.
but on to new and exciting things, I'm currently working on some images commissioned by the dept. of education over here, which is good fun, One of the things I have discovered about working on Chico & Rita is that though i love working as an artist and illustrator, it is a somewhat solitary profession. So whilst I have relitivley little work on the go at the moment, I'm contemplating getting together a body of work that would allow me to apply for some more team based work. so I am going to focus for a few months on concept work, storyboards, maybe environments as well. so I'll see how it goes.

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